“all there is…is this”
[Tony Parsons]
So, what I’m most interested in, what I’m really really interested in,
what I’m passionate about
is this.
Life happening, right now!
You are life happening right now.
Stop reading now
(you can wait until you’ve finished reading the next paragraph).
Look around you. Breathe!
Feel what it feels like to be in your body (whether you like the sensations or not).
Feel their life, feel their texture.
Hear the sounds, especially the quiet ones.
See the colours and shapes – enjoy them, revel in them!
Smell the smells. Reach out and touch something and luxuriate in the experience.
Life is happening full on right now.
This is your life, happening right now.
This is it!
(Not the next "maybe better" moment, but this one!)
“Bit by bit I came back to my own body
…back to this moment,
this constant unfolding miracle of life.
My search ends when I stop looking and remember –
Now is the dance, is love, is pain;
And beauty;
And there is nothing.”
[Fanny Behrens]
What I am interested in is the mystery and the wonder of this.
It cannot be put into words.
Poetry perhaps gets closest:
“I want to write while crossing the fields that are fresh with daisies
and everlasting and the ordinary grass.
I want to make poems while thinking of the bread of heaven
And the cup of astonishment;
Let them be songs where nothing is neglected…”
[Mary Oliver]
So foolishly, whether in poetry or prose I want to try writing touching on this.
Not writing about it, analysing it, dissecting it.
But writing from it - in it...
invoking the fragrance this,
rolling around in this,
celebrating this!
Lots of reasons. Obviously.
But mainly for love.
lovely stuff there!
ReplyDeleteHere are some of my words on it:
*The Seven Valleys*
after Baha'ullah
these territories are for the strong
for the foolish
for the
lovers unafraid
of longing
of the transcendence of longing
in these
dark and hidden lands
the few walk with torches
and sometimes
even I, who have been seeking for lifetimes
mistake the torch
for the sun itself
at that which can not be seen
the voice
behind the voice
the face of no face
hidden behind your face
the world hidden
within this one we live in
the edges
are a dangerous place
beset with mysteries
and illusions
and traps
that hinder growth
like contentment
obscures the quest
and the quest obscures
the eternal moment
there is nothing to seek for
when Your grace is everywhere
nothing to seek for
but a glimpse
of the unseeable
a taste
of the unknowable
a whisper
of the ineffible
and even these
will leave us mad
to see
to taste
to hear
if there is anything
that threatens my sanity
it is a Love to large to hold
a vastness incomprehensible,
fully comprehending
a word ineffable
that shapes
the very contour of my tongue and lips
all falls short
so I surrender to this madness
dance for Krishna with Mirabai
cry for Shamz with Rumi
seek the Bridegroom with St. John of the Cross
succumb to the agony of love with Beloved Teresa
I look
behind your face
falling into
the light
that shines through everything.
Thank you!
ReplyDeletelovely, lovely, deep, lovely words!