This experience just happened. It was both remarkable and unremarkable. It revealed things that I had discovered before...and had seemingly forgotten regarding pain and how convincing it is. So the insights are both new and not new to me. At one level obvious and at another level a revelation.
And this poem arose - perhaps not the very best or most polished poem, and yet written in the immediate aftermath of the experience as it revealed itself – so containing something of the fragrance of the revelation. So I share it here as a reminder to myself and in case it touches anyone else.
Waves of intense emotional pain.
Arising from…
Who knows where?
For a moment,
the feelings of despair, desperation and anguish
Seem utterly convincing...
… until
by Grace
I find myself embracing
and feeling the pain,
Pure and simple,
Intense and clean.
And then I see that the pain
is just pain.
It doesn’t mean anything.
It doesn’t signify anything.
Those feelings of
desperation, despair and anguish
are simply memories,
from who knows where
and who knows when.
I feel the pain again.
It surges and swells.
I let it flow through me.
It subsides.
There is releasing.
There is opening,
to the world outside and its beauty.
There is gentle strong joy.
I am home.
With surrender, joy and gratitude
Daniel x